The #1 Thing People Often Overlook When Balancing Hormones – and Why They Fail!

We're diving deep into a crucial aspect that often gets overlooked when it comes to balancing our hormones – and it's the very reason why some of us fail to achieve lasting results.

Picture this: you get on a hormone-balancing journey, excited to make positive changes and improve your well-being. But, after a month or two, you find yourself frustrated and discouraged. "Why isn't it working?. The truth is, you might have missed a vital component – hormone journaling and progress tracking.


By not tracking their progress, they miss out on valuable insights and fail to make the necessary adjustments for success.

Balancing hormones is a process, not an overnight miracle. But here's the good news – it's entirely within your grasp! By journaling your thoughts, emotions, and habits, you'll unveil patterns and uncover what might be hindering your progress.

In this blog, you'll identify your unique journey and make informed decisions to create a lifestyle that supports hormonal harmony. So, let's banish the idea of failure and embrace the transformative power of journaling and tracking progress. Together, we'll make this journey one of success, balance, and overall well-being. So don't give up just yet

Hormonal balance is a lifelong commitment, not a quick fix. Our exercise and journal will guide you through the process of identifying any limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that might be hindering your progress. We'll then link positive reinforcement to these exercises, making them even more effective.

  • STEP #1 For the next 7 days, setting aside time for this hormone journal exercise

  • STEP #2 Discovering the Power of Pain and Pleasure in Taking Action

  • STEP #3 Take actions on your decisions

STEP #1 For the next 7 days, setting aside time for this hormone journal exercise

It is the foundation of your hormone health journey. Don't worry about rushing it – take all the time you need. This step is essential because many people struggle to commit to journaling when they lack strong reasons to do so. So, consider this the most crucial first step to take. 

This step will help you tackle your procrastination head-on, making you more aware of how it affects your goals. It will guide you to start taking action, one simple step at a time, and gradually build momentum. Just like lifting weights, you can't lift heavy on day one, but with consistent effort, you'll eventually get there. So, let's take it step by step and pave the way for lasting change and progress.

#2 Discovering the Power of Pain and Pleasure in Taking Action

During this process, you'll gain insights into the emotions and beliefs that influence your actions, whether positively or negatively. We'll explore how the fear of pain or discomfort might hold you back from following through with your actions. We'll also focus on how to associate pleasure with taking these actions. By understanding these dynamics, you'll be better equipped to create a positive and motivating environment that propels you towards your goals.

Let's delve deeper into your hormone health with some life-changing questions. Take some time to jot down your thoughts and reflections. Feel free to write as much as you want. You can use your own notebook or download our beautiful journal in PDF format to make the experience even more enjoyable. Let's begin this transformative journey together!

And we've got you covered! To make journaling easier, we've designed in PDF for your convenience:




Choose the version that suits your style and start your transformative journey to a healthier and happier you!

Day 1

  1. Create a list of two decisions that I have been avoiding, but if taken now, can have a transformative effect on my overall wellness
  2. After making a genuine decision, it is crucial to promptly follow it up with action. One effective way to do so is by jotting down the initial steps. Identify three straightforward actions you can take immediately to align with your new decisions.  (For instance, if you resolved to quit smoking, what can you do with the cigarettes in your possession right now? Whom could you contact? What promises could you make? What written communication could you send? What alternative actions could you take instead of reverting to your old behavior?
  3. Create a list of two decisions that I have been avoiding, but if taken now, can have a transformative effect on my overall wellness
  4. After making a genuine decision, it is crucial to promptly follow it up with action. One effective way to do so is by jotting down the initial steps. Identify three straightforward actions you can take immediately to align with your new decisions. (For instance, if you resolved to quit smoking, what can you do with the cigarettes in your possession right now? Whom could you contact? What promises could you make? What written communication could you send? What alternative actions could you take instead of reverting to your old behavior?)
  5. Create a checklist of three uncomplicated actions that I can execute right away to uphold my two new decisions:
  6. Take action on your new decisions right now, at this moment.

Day 2

  1. Enumerate four fresh wellness actions that I am aware I should take at present. Here are four actions that I know I should take now
  2. What is the discomfort or negative emotion that has prevented you from following through with these actions? Take note of it. Here's an example: The pain I have linked to these actions previously:
  3. Enumerate any gratifications or benefits that I derived from not following through on these four actions. Here's an example: The pleasure I experienced from not following through in the past:
  4. For each of these actions, describe in a paragraph what it will cost you if you don’t follow through. What will you miss out on? What will you lose?What it will cost me if I don’t follow through now 


5. Start connecting pleasure with taking action by reflecting on these inquiries: What are the advantages of taking action in each of these areas now?


 Day 3: 

1. Write down 10 reasons why you must take these actions; then list all the reasons why you know you can do it.


Day 4: 

1. ask yourself these in the morning
    • What are the things that bring me joy in my life at present? 
    • What specifically about those things brings me happiness? 
    • How do those things make me feel?
    • What is currently causing excitement in my life? 
    • What specifically about that situation or event generates excitement? How does it make me feel?
    • What accomplishments in my life am I proud of? What specifically about those achievements brings me a sense of pride? How does that make me feel?
    • What things or people in my life am I grateful for? What specifically about those things or people fills me with gratitude? How does it make me feel?
    • Who do I love and who loves me in return? What specifically about those people generates feelings of love? How does that make me feel?
2. ask yourself in the evening
    • What have I contributed today? In what ways have I acted as a giver today?
    • What new knowledge or insights have I acquired today?
    • How has today improved the overall quality of my life? In what ways can I leverage today's experiences as an investment in my future?


  1. Generate a list of your wellness goals
  2. What are your top three wellness objectives? Why are you dedicated to accomplishing each of them within the next three months? Write down the reasons.
  3. Identify one action you can take immediately to make initial headway toward achieving each objective. 
  4. Take that action toward each goal today.



  1. What are the benefits of having well-balanced hormones?
  2. What aspects still require improvement?
  3. What actions am I willing to take to have well balanced hormones?
  4. What habits or behaviors am I willing to abandon to achieve my desired outcome?
  5. How can I derive pleasure from the process while fulfilling the necessary steps to achieve my desired outcome?


  1. Envision how your life would improve if hormonal issues were no longer a concern. Write down all the advantages you would have and all the ways in which your life would be enhanced.
  2. Examine each negative thought or belief about balanced hormones and counteract them with beliefs that inspire and empower you.
  3. Incorporate additional empowering beliefs into your mindset to not only overcome financial self-sabotage but also achieve hormonal balance.



#3 Taking actions

Taking action is essential for progress! To begin, we recommend starting with just one small thing. It could be as simple as a 5-minute exercise routine, a healthy breakfast, or a short mindfulness practice. Gradually increase your efforts as you feel more comfortable and confident. Remember, small steps can lead to big changes! And this daily tracking journal will help you keep track 


Daily hormone tracking 

Now, it's time to take the next step and start tracking your hormone progress daily. Tracking is crucial because it gives you valuable data to understand where you currently stand and where you want to be in terms of your hormone health. Tracking won't take much time. I recommend doing it before going to bed. Simply keep your notebook by your bedside, so it's easily accessible. It's a wonderful way to calm your mind before sleep as well.



Our daily tracking journal is designed with your convenience in mind. It comes with pages for each day of the month, so you can print as many as you need based on the days in that month. Plus, there's a special section for monthly tracking of your hormone health. It's the perfect way to keep tabs on your progress and see how far you've come!

Tip: On the last Sunday of each month, allocate 2-3 hours to review all your scales from mood, sleep, diet, and more.


  • Keep track of your ovulation phase (menstruation, follicular, ovulation, and luteal)
  • Did you take your supplements today? (yes/no)
  • Mood scale. How are you feeling today? (0-10)
    • 3 ways to improve your mood for the following day.
  • Sleep scale. How did you sleep last night?
    • 3 ways to improve your sleep for the following day.
  • Energy scale. How is your energy level today?
    • 3 ways to increase your energy level for the following day.
  • Motivation scale. (How is your motivation level today?)
    • 3 ways to make you feel more motivated for the following day
  • Food craving. Food Craving Handling Scale: How well did you handle food cravings today?
    • 3 ways to handle food craving better the following day.
  • Exercise. How do you rate your workout today? 
    • ​​3 ways to improve your workout focus the following day
  • How many bowel movements did you have today?

After filling out all these scales, you're free to jot down anything else you want to keep track of. Whether it's your caffeine or alcohol intake, lifestyle choices like dry brushing, or simply writing about your day and emotions – it's all up to you!

Monthly evaluation

It's like a monthly journal check-up! You'll learn so much about your journey – where you started and where you are now. This helps you make smarter choices moving forward. So, keep filling in those daily entries, and on your review day, you'll be amazed at how much you've learned about yourself and your journey to hormonal balance. 



This journal isn't just about tracking your hormones; it's a gateway to self-improvement in various areas of your life. With each passing day, you'll notice progress in your motivation, sleep, diet, and energy levels. By making small, consistent improvements day after day, you'll uncover what works best for you.

You'll gain valuable insights into your habits and lifestyle choices, understanding what affects your sleep, mood, and motivation. Armed with this knowledge, you'll be empowered to transform your health positively.

Remember, true health is a journey, not a one-day affair. Embrace this journal as a lifestyle tool, and let it guide you towards a healthier and happier you, one step at a time. Happy journaling and happy living!