The Healthiest Water Choice!

The number one thing we consume, essential for our survival and well-being, yet it frequently gets overlooked. I'm talking about water – that simple, clear liquid that keeps us hydrated and helps our bodies function properly. But here's the catch – it's not just about any water. It's about the kind of water we're putting into our bodies, and how it might be affecting us in more ways than we realize.

You might be thinking, "Water? Really?" But hear me out. The source of your drinking water could be the ultimate key to maintaining hormone balance, something that can play a massive role in our overall well-being. Have you ever grabbed a pack of water bottles from your local grocery store without giving it a second thought? Or pondered whether spring water is superior to purified water? Well, guess what – the answers to these questions could be crucial in your journey toward hormonal equilibrium.

In this blog, we're going to dive deep into a topic that often flies under the radar – the type of water we drink and how it can impact our hormones. We'll explore why your current approach to hormone balancing might not be delivering the results you're after. We'll talk about the importance of assessing your water quality and understanding what you're really putting into your body. And of course, we'll unveil an incredibly efficient way to save money while ensuring that the water you consume is not just nourishing, but also hormone-friendly.

So, if you're ready to uncover the truth about the often-overlooked element of our lives – water – and its profound effects on our hormones, stick around. It's time to rethink the way we hydrate, stay balanced, and ultimately, thrive. 

Purified Water

Purified water is a popular choice for those seeking a clean and clear source of hydration. It undergoes rigorous filtration and treatment processes to remove impurities, ensuring a high level of cleanliness. However, it's essential to be aware of potential drawbacks associated with purified water. This includes concerns about chemical leaching from plastic bottles, which can occur due to temperature variations during transportation and packaging processes. These chemicals, such as BPA and phthalates, have been linked to hormonal disruptions and health issues. Additionally, the purity of purified water may also lead to the removal of essential minerals and electrolytes, which are crucial for various bodily functions. Balancing purity and nutrient retention is a key consideration when choosing the right water source for your health and well-being.


Spring water

Spring water, sourced from underground springs, stands as a testament to nature's purest offering in the world of hydration. What sets spring water apart are its distinctive characteristics that resonate with health-conscious individuals seeking a more natural and mineral-rich alternative to other forms of water. Rich in essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, spring water not only enhances taste but also nourishes the body with nutrients vital for overall well-being. Unlike purified water subjected to extensive filtration and chemical treatments, spring water remains untouched by chlorine or ozonation, preserving its natural essence. This pristine quality, combined with the potential health benefits associated with its mineral content, makes spring water a compelling choice for those desiring a refreshingly pure and health-conscious source of hydration.

  • Natural Mineral Content: Spring water often contains naturally occurring minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These minerals not only contribute to the water's taste but also provide essential nutrients that your body needs for optimal health. Drinking mineral-rich water can be especially beneficial for maintaining healthy bones and electrolyte balance.
  • No Chemical Treatment: Unlike purified water, which undergoes extensive filtration and treatment processes to remove impurities, spring water is sourced from underground springs. It typically doesn't go through chemical treatments like chlorination or ozonation. This means you're consuming water that is closer to its natural state, without added chemicals that some people may want to avoid.
  • Potential Health Benefits: Some people believe that spring water may offer unique health benefits due to its mineral content and natural source. It's thought to be more hydrating and refreshing, making it a preferred choice for many. Additionally, the minerals in spring water may support various bodily functions, making it a healthier option for those seeking an all-natural hydration source.



Best Water: Activated Carbon Water

For optimal water quality within your home, I highly recommend the use of Activated Carbon Filtration. Initiate the process by installing an activated carbon filter, such as a carbon block or granulated activated carbon (GAC) filter. These filtration systems excel at the precise removal of chlorine, organic compounds, and select heavy metals that have the potential to influence hormonal balance and pH levels. By adopting Activated Carbon Filtration, you are proactively ensuring the purity and healthfulness of the water you consume within your household.

Activated Carbon Filtration is a water purification method that employs activated carbon, a highly porous and adsorbent material, to remove impurities and contaminants from water. During this process, water passes through a filter containing activated carbon, which effectively traps and retains a wide range of substances, including chlorine, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, herbicides, and some heavy metals. Activated carbon's porous structure provides an extensive surface area for chemical bonding, allowing it to adsorb and remove these unwanted elements from the water. This filtration method is renowned for its ability to improve water taste and odor, remove potentially harmful substances, and enhance overall water quality, making it a popular choice for both residential and industrial water treatment applications.

Benefits of Activated Carbon Filtration

  • Precision in Contaminant Removal: Activated carbon filtration is recognized for its remarkable precision in eliminating specific contaminants from your water supply. This advanced filtration method effectively targets and removes unwanted substances like chlorine, organic compounds, and certain heavy metals. By utilizing activated carbon filtration, you gain a heightened level of control over your water quality. This precision ensures that substances known to disrupt hormonal balance and pH levels are consistently and comprehensively removed from your drinking water. In contrast, spring water's composition can exhibit significant variability, influenced by its geographical source. Consequently, it may not always guarantee the absence of these undesirable elements, making activated carbon filtration an attractive choice for those seeking a predictable and contaminant-free water source.
  • Tailored Water Quality: One of the standout advantages of activated carbon filtration lies in its capacity to customize water quality to meet your specific needs and concerns. For instance, if you're wary of chlorine's potential impact on your skin, hair, or overall health, an activated carbon filter can serve as a targeted solution to mitigate this concern effectively. Moreover, if maintaining a stable pH balance in your body is a priority, activated carbon filtration can ensure that the water you consume aligns with your wellness goals. In contrast, spring water's mineral content is largely predetermined by nature and may not provide the degree of customization that activated carbon filtration offers. This adaptability empowers individuals to have a more direct influence on the quality of water they consume.
  • Consistency and Reliability: Activated carbon filtration systems are renowned for delivering a dependable and uniform source of clean water. These systems consistently and effectively reduce or eliminate contaminants that are known to impact hormonal balance and pH levels. By entrusting activated carbon filtration, you can have confidence in the long-term health benefits associated with clean water consumption. In contrast, the quality of spring water can vary not only between brands but also seasonally and by geographic region. This inherent variability can make spring water a less predictable source of consistent water quality, especially when compared to the reliability offered by activated carbon filtration systems.


Best kind of activated carbon filtration:

I wholeheartedly recommend the Berkey Water Filter for home use due to its remarkable combination of economy and health benefits. The Berkey system offers an exceptional cost-effective solution for purifying your drinking water, eliminating the need for single-use plastic bottles and reducing long-term expenses. Beyond its economic advantages, Berkey's advanced filtration technology ensures that your water is free from a wide array of contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and chemicals, all while retaining essential minerals for optimal health.

Family of two


Berkley Water Filter

Spring Water

Initial Cost



Filter Lifespan

3 years


Daily Usage (gallons)



Cost per Day



Monthly Cost (approx.)



Yearly Cost (approx.)




Cost-effective over time, long filter lifespan

Convenient but costly in the long run, variable quality


Over a 3-year period, the Berkley Water Filter (4.5 gallons) costs $1140, while using spring water costs $5113.80. Therefore, the Berkley Water Filter is significantly more cost-effective for a family of 4. Again, consider factors like convenience, sustainability, and other considerations when making your decision.

Family of four


Berkley Water Filter (4.5 gallons)

Spring Water

Initial Cost



Filter Lifespan

3 years


Annual Filter Cost

$190 (Total $570/3 years)


Cost per Day (approx.)

$0.52/day (Annual Filter Cost/365)

$4.68/day (Annual Cost for Family/365)

Monthly Cost (approx.)

$15.75 (Cost per Day * 30)

$140.40 (Cost per Day * 30)

Yearly Cost (approx.)


$1,704.60 (Annual Cost for Family)

3-Year Total Cost

$1,140 (Initial Cost + 3-Year Filter Cost)

$5,113.80 (3-Year Annual Cost for Family)


Cost-effective over time, long filter lifespan

Convenient but costly in the long run, variable quality

 Over a 3-year period, the Berkley Water Filter (4.5 gallons) costs $1,140, while using spring water costs $5,113.80. Therefore, the Berkley Water Filter is significantly more cost-effective for a family of four. Again, consider factors like convenience, sustainability, and other considerations when making your decision.


When it comes to the best source of water, it's clear that Berkey water or carbon-activated filtered water stand out as excellent options. While bottled spring water can be a decent choice, it's important to be aware of the potential exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals from plastic bottles. To truly optimize your water consumption, investing in a large, reusable stainless steel water mug or bottle that you can fill with Berkey-filtered water is the way to go. Be mindful of any plastic components in your water containers and try to avoid them for a more eco-friendly choice. For everyday hydration around the house, Berkey water is the top pick. For families, consider the 2.25 Gallon option for a family of two and the 3.25 Gallon Berkey for a family of four. It's all about making the right choices for your health and the environment, and Berkey water is a fantastic step in that direction. Cheers to staying hydrated the smart way!